Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Quick, Simple Way To Look At A Stock And Know What To Do



Welcome to Amazing Power Patterns
Amazing Power Patterns was built around the most basic reality concept of there only being three things a stock or index can do.  Simply stated, up, down or nowhere. It can be no other way.  That being said, I wanted to keep it simple when it came to looking at stock ideas long or short, so it was designed around the cornerstone upon which there are only three things you need to know to be successful.Specifically, 
Up trends and how to trade them
Downtrends and how to  trade them
Change in Trends and how to identify them, after all if you are long at a market peak or top you need to know when to get out, if you are short at a market low or bottom here too you need to know when to cover a short sell.
 Within each of those three areas are what I call 
“The Amazing Power Patterns”
These series of courses lay the foundation of the whole Amazing Power Patterns system. As we all know the key to any system is being able to lay a stable foundation. Get this part right and it goes a long way towards moving from surviving to thriving.
Not only are they designed to not only move you from surviving to thriving but most importantly how to keep you out of trouble!
Let's face it, every day we see it on the web, TV, social media, our emails you name it. The latest and greatest pitch, the latest and greatest thing since sliced bread all designed to get you to bite. But rarely do we see much talk about how to stay out of trouble  Remember rule number one in investing and trading is PRESERVATION OF PRINCIPAL.
This course is designed to help YOU take control of your future
So if you are tired of being bombarded on a daily basis with the likes of how I turned $6000 into a gazillion dollars, seeing the videos of their so called Beverly Hills mansion, the sports cars, the beaches, the 20 million dollar yachts and the like just to get you to bite? We’re all smarter than that right? Then this course ought to be right up your alley.
This course is for those who are looking for a simpler way vs the noise of the information age (yes the yachts and sports cars are a form of noise too you know)  where we are constantly bombarded with one guy says this, one gal says that , all of which leads to not knowing what to do. Aren't you all tired of that too? If so then this is the course for you. 
No more will you rely on some pundit on TV or some so called expert telling you to buy this, sell that without any confidence within yourself. 
You’ll learn how to look at a stock and know in 30 seconds what you should or should not be doing. 
For some of us, those who like to keep it simple like us chartists, the market talks to us in the form of chart pattern recognition. It’s really all about learning that language. That's what these series of courses is going to do for you.
This course is designed with you in mind and building confidence within yourself!  Under the surface isn’t that a big piece of what we are all striving for anyway? 
Once you've learned the patterns you'll make better informed decisions all based upon the reality of what is. 
Once you learn the patterns and get better at identifying them BEFORE you take a trade you'll find out your two best friends will always be:
“What To Watch For” and “What To Watch Out For”
They go hand in hand with “What do I need to see to make me take a trade" or not take a trade. These are all centering statements that keep you grounded and methodical vs trading by the seat of your pants in a highly emotional impulsive state all because you read or saw someone say something positive about a stock or the market. 

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